Japan Life Center co.,Ltd.

<The Results of Reserch>

Commonly, the the temperature that Pyrococcus Kodakaraensis to proliferate is about 110 degrees C. But the prototype machine have achieved its temperature of 120 degrees C (Max.)
Although, we have improved the bacteria to provide a fermentation and machinery、these are not special results but just how long we could put our time into our reserch project. And also, the operation of the machinery have not been changed dramatically even though the temperature actually exceeded over 100 degrees C. Reporting our efforts on the written format, we are hoping that a reader can understand our research easily and without difficulties.

1. Products and Prototypes

2.Development of Pyroccus Kodakaraensis and Fermentation Machinery
1) Other company's perpendicular shape machine
(1)The fermentation temperature between 24hrs and 36hrs with kitchen wastes. (Aug, 1996)
The time period (x-axis) and the temperature of fermentation (y-axis)

<1>As long as we use a any type of machinery, the fermentation temperature indeed increades
<2>If fermentation temperature is set under 55 degrees C, a putrefaction is happened, easily.
<3>If fermentation temperature is set over 60 degrees C, a fermentation proccess is finished within 12 hrs or less hours than it.


(2) The improvement of fermentation bacteria by mixing between 24hrs and 36hrs (1996.12.9〜)
Each time, we recorded the maximum temperature of fermentation, and summurized its records on the graph with respect to the time period.

<1>Finding out the best living environment of bacteria, we tried mixing over and over. From these effort, the maximum fermentation temperature started to increase little by little.
<2>Achieving its temperature 65 degrees C, it took 120 days.
<3>75 degrees C, 180 days.
<4>85 degrees C, 230 days.


2) Our machine that is the lower cone shaped(refered to pictures above)(1997.8.26〜)
(1)Very short time (2hrs), we ahieved to finish the Pyroccucus Kodakaraenois fermentation
<1> With improving the bacteria's living condition、fermentation temperature is incresed.
<2> By the end of 92th day, we succeeded to exceed the highest themperature of natural compost 80 degrees C.
<3> By the end of 120th day, the highest temperature became 96 degrees C.


<4>Reproducing its highest temperature is possible. It is easy to say that very stable bacteria could be raised.
<5> During Dec 1997 and April 1999, the machinery, bacteria and process have not changed. At April 1999, its highest temperature is at 99.7 degrees C.
Japan Life Center co.,Ltd.